Updated: Feb. 13, 2009 |
by P.T. Brent |
Ranging from 77 to 85, these aging leathernecks
are all here for a last visit, their only visit since 1945, pausing
for a final moment to revisit this hallowed island, now a shrine to
both sides. More >> |
Djibouti, Horn of Africa; A Jeep bus careens wildly
around a corner and the side mirror whacks the head of a local man;
he drops, apparently dead. Djiboutians take little notice. Life is
cheap is this lawless land. More >> |
Ground control to U.S. Air Force Hercules
C 130
Sir: Condition Red … the field
is under attack again More >> |
And a Gyrene from Grand
Rapids …. More >>
Also >> |
"For those who have fought for it, life has
a special flavor the protected will never know"
A few words written by an anonymous Marine, taken
from a now famous combat ration box in Vietnam .... and now echoed by
the U.S. Marines in Afghanistan fighting a global war on terrorism. We
are visiting the Marines arriving in AFG theater (Marine Expeditionary
Unit) comprised of a fleet of Navy ships, aircraft, and a battalion over
1,000 U.S. Marines.
More >> |
Afghanistan ... Meet
First Sergeant Ernest Hoopii United States Marine Corps, a career
Marine from Maui. Back during high school years on Oahu, his
pals at Mid Pacific use to call him “ Hoop” as
he demonstrated his athletic prowess at volley ball, track,
and of course hoops. More >> |
We and our military know full well the price and
the bad news. Here is the potential good news.
If ancient history repeats itself, Iraq,
with good fortunate, can become the Renaissance of the Middle East.
Major ingredient is a substantial national wealth
beneath the ground. One hundred billion barrels of oil offers these
soon to be liberated citizens a chance and time to purchase a bright
future. Now set free from their physical and intellectual captivity
and now under new management the Iraqi people may now be empowered
with human rights, which will set the bar for future Arab counties. More >> |
The Marine choppers, air force C 5's C 17's
and C 130's were taking off last night when I recorded this report.
The sounds are deafening from a tent alongside the runways at Baghdad
International Airport temporary airbase of the "CPA. The" people
at the Coalition Provisional Authority military call it "BIAP" (bee
- op). As one Marine, a Texan once said: "be happy, that is
the sound of freedom you are hearing." More >> |
Iwo Jima - Marine and Navy
pilots, 59 years ago, called it "a charred pork chop." From
the sky in a Marine Corsair this sulfuric volcanic island is dramatically
different from what was experienced by Marine infantry on these black
coral beaches. The 3rd, 4th, & 5th Marine Divisions encountered
horrific casualties when attacking this now legendary rock. A miniscule
island comprised of only seven and one half square miles, it was
smaller than Santa Monica, California. A task force of 495 ships
gathered, more than our current Navy now has in totality, assembled
off shore awaiting orders to "land the landing force." More >> |
DATELINE DJIBOUTI U.S. Forces - A Jeep bus
driven wildly careens around a corner and the side mirror whacks
the head of a local man, he drops, apparently dead. Djiboutians take
little notice. Life is cheap is this lawless land. More >> |
One Navy Corpsman said he cannot understand
the coalition forces standard of: "Shock and Awe." He stated
that since we were kids the good guys always gave the other guys a chance
to drop their guns and raise their hands. Why
... why this display of might in Baghdad? All over the world a minority,
albeit vocal group, are creating discord over "Bush's war." Perhaps
they have a point. Clearly, in retrospect the Vietnam protestors were on
target with their cry of an unjust war. More >> |
In WWII the army was re-supplied by the "Red
Ball Express" a euphemism for a transportation convoy company
that kept the troops supplied with the essentials to life in combat,
such as beans, bullets and bandages. More >> |
“We have done so much with so little,
for so long; we now feel we can do everything with nothing.” Ref:
USMC’s tight budget (Col. J.R. Bates, USMC) More >> |
It is no secret that anti-American
spirit is strong in France these days. In a recent poll, President
Bush received only a 5 percent positive approval rating in a populace
that is 20 percent Muslim and growing. More >> |
Sixty years has done little to diminish the visceral
memories of both the Japanese and U.S. Marine survivors visiting for
this 60th anniversary of the battle to the few living survivors. It
is the last journey for many of these brave Marines who traveled far
and long to have one last look on a battlefield, which has not changed
since 1945. The rusted detritus of a violence, tanks, cannons, mortars,
bayonets and personal effects still stand silent sentinels, untouched
by time, to one of war’s most horrific battle sites. More >> |
I had the opportunity recently to serve as an embedded
journalist aboard the battle-ready U.S.S. RUSSELL, a Navy high-speed
vessel (speed classified) named after the 16th Commandant of the Marine
Corps and Major General Russell.
A few years back, Admiral Walt Doren's
aide Commander Brad Cooper decided that when the he secured a command
at sea, I would be a lucky guest aboard. Most people might not get such
a chance in their lifetime, so I thought I’d share a little of
what life is like for these dedicated men and women in the U.S. Navy. More >> |
Misc. Links:
leatherneck Article:
The common denominator of all Marine Corps virtues is “respect.” Therefore,
it would, indeed, be difficult, if not impossible to find a Marine, past
or present, who has earned our respect more than Lieutenant General John
Archer Lejeune, pronounced LeJERN. Every year, Ma rines worldwide read,
as ordered in November of 1921, LtGen Lejeune’s Birthday Message,
which enhances our much-envied 10 Nov. tradition. more >> |
Marines - Denmark
Donegal Farms - Gouge
irish Sprint Dot